Alpha Mail is designed to be a simple, but structured framework to follow when conducting a mailing campaign. It has been specifically written with real estate agents in mind, but the principles not only apply to every industry, but every form of marketing as well.
We cover everything from understanding WHY you are marketing, to what message to send, how to track what is working, and how to follow up.
Like most things in life, overnight success takes many years of work, and direct mail takes many campaigns to refine, tweak and understand your audience and how they want to hear from you. Alpha Mail is designed to help you uncover this golden information in the shortest possible time.
We cover the experts that can help you along the way, how to systemise it, and how to generate the best return on your investment.
If you have been looking for a way to connect with your audience, that is easily scalable, can be measured and improved, direct mail is for you – and Alpha Mail is the book to show you how to do it