There are TWO Types of Secret Agents in Real Estate.
The first type is so secret that no one knows who they are:
They are invisible to the market.
The second type is the ultimate trained professional:
These real estate agents dominate their market with almost military precision.
Which Secret Agent are you?
The invisible real estate agent?
Does your marketplace even know that you're in real estate?
Have you developed YOU as a brand?
Do you have to prospect hard for every lead you get?
Are you new to real estate or looking to relaunch your career?
Are you struggling to obtain listings and sales?
Are you considering leaving the industry?
The ultimate real estate agent: the highly trained professional?
You are WELL KNOWN in your area
You generate ONLINE LEADS and enquiries easily
You EASILY convert your appraisals to listings
You STAND OUT from the crowd
You consistently WIN listings over your competitors
You list like the BIG GUYS
Don’t be invisible!
You too can learn to DOMINATE the market using the simple marketing strategies in this book.
Whether you are in a franchise or an independent office,
Secret Agents is a must-have guide for every real estate agent.