When you know making prospecting and follow up calls is important, but you are just getting dragged in too many different directions. Or perhaps it is just one of those things you hate to do. AgentMail’s team are here to help.
Our team of experienced telemarketers are at your disposal. With our professional telemarketing team, you can rest assured that we will represent you as well as your own employees. Think of us like your virtual sales PA. Here’s some key points to consider:
- 100% Australian based team. All with English as their first language
- Exclusive areas – we never call for more than one agent per suburb
- No minimum call hours – we’ll make calls for an hour, or for 20
- Comprehensive notes taken and daily feedback on calls completed
- All lists screened against the Do Not Call Register (charges apply)
- No setup costs, full assistance with scripting ideas and staff specifically trained on your business.
- Using AgentMail’s team costs from just $49.50 ex GST per hour, all inclusive